Saturday 9 July 2011

First Week Class - Reflection

Assalamualaikum Wbt.
Time passes by and the first week of lecture has already gone.

So, here are the things that I have to reflect on through out our very first week of lecture.

"in your blog, create your own complete notes of what you have learned today:"
1.Steps on how to register
2. Reflection on what you have learned

I genuinely believe that there are a lot of splendid input have been gathered by each one of us during the fruitful lecture. 

Firstly, though I have created both Yahoo! and Gmail account before, I definitely believe that some of us take some things for granted. For instance, what are the steps that involved in signing up for an account. Not forgetting, sometimes some of us create email just for the sake of having an account be it Yahoo! or Gmail account. But one essential thing that one should always have is the signature for each account. Frankly speaking, I don't know how to create a signature. But, luckily my course mates were very helpful enough to guide me. So, this is an example of a complete signature.


IPG Kampus Sarawak
Jalan Bakam
98009 Miri
Tel: 019-5140952

Email : /

Next, we were asked to create a Yahoo! Group. To tell you the truth, I have never been using Yahoo! Group before and it was quite difficult for me to discover it in the first place as I am not an IT savvy. However, our course lecturer, Mr. Mohd. Fariduddin Wajdi Anthony was kind enough to show us how to sign up for a Yahoo! Group. I personally think that through this Yahoo! Group (, we can share information easily and distance is not any longer a barrier for us to reach and communicate with one another. Thus, it is very useful in helping to bridge the gaps in learning this subject in particular.

Last but not least is we have to create an official Facebook and an official blog as well. I strongly believe that Facebook and blog are very familiar among students nowadays. However, one of the things that I learned the most in creating an account for Facebook was how to make it as our offical Facebook. The step was easy enough. First, we have to log in to our account and the go to the account settings. Then, click on the settings of 'Username' and change it. But, before proceed, we have to send our phone number in order to receive a code for verification. After that, done! Same goes to the process of creating a blog. It was quite easy as every instruction had been stated very clearly. You merely need a Google account for sure and choose your URL to make it as your official blog. 

That is all until now. Until we meet again next time. 
Have a good day!
Thank you,

IPG Kampus Sarawak
Jalan Bakam
98009 Miri

Email                :
Facebook          :
Yahoo group!   :

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