Sunday 14 August 2011

Assignment 8a (Spreadsheet) & 8b (Excel)

Assalamualaikum Wbt.

This would be the very last week for all of us before battling for our final examination. What do we have to do for this week? Briefly, this week has been divided as week 7a where we were assigned to work on Assignment 8a which was Open Office Spreadsheet and Assignment 8b, Microsoft Excel. Meanwhile, for week 7b, we were told to create student’s database-Assignment 9. Basically, I believe that these final assignments are greatly fundamental especially when we are working as a teacher soon.

So, for Assignment 8a, we have to plan, create and edit a simple one year personal financial management (income and spending) using Open Office Spreadsheet. Frankly speaking, we dealt with a minor problem here especially when we wanted to add the balance from the month before to the following months onward. However, problem was solved as soon as Mr. Fariduddin taught us how to do it. So, a bunch of thank to Mr. Fariduddin for giving us his hand! After we have come out with a financial management account, we were then required to upload it to Google Docs in order to share it with our lecturer and friends.

For our second task which was Assignment 8b, it was rather challenging as compared to the aforementioned assignment. I personally think that everybody needs to master this skill which was using Microsoft Excel. We are acknowledge that nowadays teachers use Excel to key in all the students information be it for their exam results, their database and so on. Thus, this is a skill that a teacher should not be lacking in. As for me, I have learnt about it during my foundation years but it is a norm for a human being to always forget. Needless to say, I am grateful to work on this assignment again as I was able to polish up my skills in using Excel. Hopefully I could utilise this skill in future if I would.

In a nutshell, personally I strongly believe that knowledge is meant to be shared among each other. In fact, it is crucial that the knowledge that we have should be imparted to students in the future. A teacher needs to be a step ahead of others so that we could become the source of reference and the one that people look up for should there be any doubts. Therefore, I personally urge myself and friends to brush up our skills in ICT particularly and always try to improve ourselves to be a better man.

Thank you!
Happy Learning!
Good Day!

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